After ten weeks of intense training, the SDB Representative squads faced one of the biggest challenges of the year. The Nick Rizzo Easter Cup 2017 was held at Lambert Park over three days and included participation from different Sydney soccer academies. Parents, coaches and players were impressed by the high level of soccer the kids were playing. The games were very competitive, which is essential for a solid player development.

Our “little ones” at NREC were not so little anymore. It’s very important for their development that children have competition experience starting at a young age. Soccer De Brazil is very proud in having not one, but two U8 teams participate in the tournament. Coach Joel Flores was looking after the Sydney Metro boys, while coach Gui Carniel took care of the Northern Beaches squad. We were delighted to watch a very competitive “SDB derby”.
The U9 group had five teams competing for the trophy. Our boys had a big challenge ahead, playing without our head-coach Diego Vargas, who prepared the team during Term 1 but could not attend the competition. Luckily, one of our most experienced coaches, Tony Correa, guided the team throughout the tournament. After a difficult first day, the boys found their groove and played very good games. SDB U9 managed to finish in third place overall, guaranteeing the Plate title after a impressive 4 x 1 win on the last game. The training will continue in Term 2 with the return of coach Diego to train a squad that has tremendous potential.


Following a great beginning of the season in getting to the finals at Craig Foster International, in Gold Coast, Soccer De Brazil family had great expectations for the U10 squad. The team has been shaping up nicely during Friday trainings.
Coach Bernardo Macedo has been building this group since last season and was impressed with the quality of teams all around: “It was the most difficult tournament we’ve faced so far”. Although the expected results did not come, the boys proved they can be one of our most competitive teams, playing incredible football in most of games, leaving the tournament undefeated by the champions. All the effort was rewarded with a great and fun “golden goal” win on the last match. The training will continue for Term 2 for what is one of SDB most promising squads.
The U12 left NREC with the best result achieved among SDB squads: a solid and impressive third place in a tournament that involved eight incredibly competitive teams. After qualifying in the Top 4, the boys guided by Coach Gui Carniel couldn’t make the big final, but a frantic penalty shootout decision guaranteed a place on the podium. Soccer De Brazil is very proud of the level of soccer and competition achieved by these boys and we are looking forward to continue training during Term 2 following such a remarkable performance.