Here’s what’s happening at SDB….
Winter is coming…..
Days are getting shorter, air is getting colder, but we are in the thick of the outdoor soccer season. We get to watch our children train and play in the ‘beautiful game’ which makes life still pretty awesome. Here’s what’s happening in our world…

Private Coaching (1on1 and Group Coaching Sessions)
It’s very difficult for coaches and players to work on isolated skills during their team training sessions. We provide “especially designed one hour training sessions”, for groups of up to 4 players.
Our Private Coaching programs are delivered in a 1on1’s / Group Sessions format.
The 1on1 format allocates one coach to one child and is great for intensive and customised development.
See the power of private coaching in this video
The groups session format allocates one coach to 2, 3, or 4 children. The advantage of group sessions is that apart from being at a reduced cost per player, players end up challenging each other through the sessions and provide real life defenders in attacking scenarios.
Each format has its advantages and it is a matter of personal choice.
Private coaching is ideal for players who would like to be followed closely by our top and most experienced coaches and be outstanding in their teams and tournaments (like Kristian, U9 SAP player, top goal scorer in Futsal Oz Melbourne this season). It’s the fastest way for learning the “Brazilian ginga” which distinguishes our players. In this program, players get to work on their weaknesses while bolstering their strengths.
We currently run sessions at:
- Heffron Park Synthetic Fields – Fridays, at 5:15pm
- Queens Park – Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings
- Condover Street Reserve, North Balgowlah – Sunday mornings

SDB Minis – Sunday morning sessions
The new classes on Sunday mornings were a long-time request from SDB parents. As expected, it’s a hit! At Queens Park Oval (Eastern Suburbs) and Condover Street Reserve (Northern Beaches), our future stars have the perfect structure for their real soccer development. The program will be running for the whole Term 2.
Queens Park – Saturdays at 3pm and Sundays @10am
Condover Street Reserve, North Balgowlah Sundays @10am
Register now

Team Coaching Program celebrating great results
We are proud of the U8’s team our coach Roberto Okitoi guides through our Team Coaching Program. These champs won the U8’s Mongo Gala Day. Our players finished 1st in the Cup Division showing all the Brazilian moves learned at training. Handing the team over to professional coaches can take the team ‘to the next level’ in terms of player development.

Coach Diego Vargas Brazil Tour and Return
SDB Minis Head-Coach, Diego Vargas is back in Sydney after a three week tour in Brazil, where, not only did he get to see his beloved family and friends, but also get some updates in the soccer world directly from the source. He was lucky enough to attend a South-American Cup game, Corinthians (club he supports) versus Universidad Catolica (Chile), in the stadium used for the opening of the World Cup 2014
Futsal 2017
Our 7th season is approaching.
Are. You. Ready?
14 August – 10 December 2017.
New look. New Program.
Registrations for the 2017 Futsal Season in opening soon…